Ice-cream is yummy,
Chocolate sauce is, too.
Come join us for funsies,
Cause being social is cool.
This last Friday was filled with wonderfulness. Wonderfulness in the form of ice cream. And popsicles/Italian ice for the lactose intolerant. ‘Twas a time of gathering, socialness round the joy that is frozen, flavoured cream. And it was a ton of fun.
The event? Well, obviously the ice cream social, the first HSAC has hosted that this author is aware of. It was hosted in hopes of bringing Honors students together in a comfortable atmosphere to get to know one another. There were many familiar faces, some more vaguely recognized ones, and, much to our joy, a handful of new ones! Thank you all for you stopping in, even if it was only to devour a bowl full of ice cream and hurry out the door before any eager extroverts pulled you into conversing circles. Your presence was noticed and we were honored to feel/see/however-one-interacts-with-presence it.
We hope you had as much fun as we did! Please send us any comments you had on the event, or suggestions for this event or others in the future! The Honors Student Council is eager to connect with the rest of the Honors students! Seriously, nearly to the point of desperation. We want to represent you. With ice cream. And, you know, whatever else you want.
Author: HSAC Student Representative
Jordyn Houlton
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